Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pigged out between SC Classes Janine and 101 Karen Great I was exhausted

I love Janine and I love Karen my 101 Teacher!  I thought I would never be able to snap out the shoes because of my swollen achilles tendon and both achilles are tight -- problematic -- so much so that when I do SC I try to keep my feet level for now until I get further on my healing which should start soon since I am taking a break from physical therapy for my neck to begin treatment on my achilles and strengthening my calves.

Karen taught us to drip your knees to the big and slide your feet in the other direction and boom the shoes slide out easily no strain or pain in my achilles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I learned position 1 -- to have the thumbs up to open up my chest.....not cave in...
I see I need to work on keeping elbows in and working my triceps more -- my right wrist is sore....I have tiny wrists and the right one maybe sore from Iphone-itis.

I learned how to set my back up.  I can't see the numbers the room is too dark but Amanda taught me how to do it without using numbers!!!!!!!!!!!

I learned to breathe in and on the out breathe I can find my ab muscles!!!!!!!

I learned to get my butt back more and squeeze my abs and butt muscles although I don't always feel it I have to focus and re-connect....

I learned if I need to sit down and rest do it -- always listen to my inner teacher and if I need to rest, modify or skip something do it -- it is more important to keep coming back.......

I am bummed I felt the need to pig out but I did and I did enjoy myself...severe insomnia you know from what.....

I need sleep and I hope tonight to SC classes will help.  I didn't go full out today too tired but I did 2 good work outs learned a lot.

I am really excited for Noa's class tomorrow!!!!!!!!!  It is also his Bday class -- today was his bday.

Should be fun!!!!

I can't wait to adjust my bike and clip in and out.....

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